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Certified Safety Inspection
Alphastone Safety Marine Service is approved and certified by Lloyds Register, American Bureau of Shipping, DNV, and Bureau Veritas to conduct safety inspections on board and provide replacement and components, as well as safety solutions. Attached for your download are the certificates (approval documents) in PDF format
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On the Move
Our expert team comes directly to your pier to promptly conduct the certification of your onboard firefighting systems.
Inspection Seal
As a certified operation, we can inspect and approve all safety-related facilities and components in the firefighting and rescue system.
Every Detail
We pay attention to every detail involved in a proper safety inspection and provide support for spare parts and replacement equipment.
Safety Inspection Service Areas

Regular inspections as well as service and repairs of firefighting and safety systems and equipment.

Repairs of equipment items.

Examination of fill levels, refill service, hydrostatic tests of cylinders of all types (firefighting equipment, breathing apparatus, and medical oxygen cylinders).

Renewal, supply, and installation of flexible hoses (CO2, pneumatic, hydraulic).

Same-day delivery from the warehouse in Kiel – high-quality and MED-approved – fire extinguishers, breathing apparatus, and spare cylinders, emergency escape breathing apparatus, foam concentrate, medical oxygen, resuscitation and oxygen apparatus, as well as cylinders, life jackets, survival suits, spare parts, and materials.

Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers

Installed systems – CO2, water mist, sprinkler systems, aerosol, powder, foam, inert gas, NOVEC 1230, Halon, etc.

Medical oxygen tanks and cylinders

Ventilators, escape breathing apparatus, breathing compressors, air quality testing devices

Firefighting equipment, chemical hazard protective suits

Inflatable and solid material life jackets

Survival suits (rescue suits)

Lifeboats and liferafts

LLL (Low Location Lighting) and IMO signs

Additional gangways, ladders, deck cranes, etc., including load tests

Fire foam devices and firefighting foam (concentrate)

Gas analysis measurement, UTI instruments, thermometers, pressure gauges, alcohol detectors
1. Responsibility …
for all services rendered and items supplied
2. Punctuality …
Always well-thought-out logistics and effective time management
3. Availability …
24/7/365 – Service, warehousing, and support
4. Reliability …
Always trained specialized personnel on site
5. Flexibility …
No overtime charges, no weekend surcharges
6. Mobility …
Available worldwide and at any time
7. Quality …
Only high-quality tools in use and deliveries of high-quality parts
Additional Safety Offerings
We represent the following brands and their safety products:

The fire extinguishing sensation in the spray can, specially designed for maritime use. Small, light, portable, generous, and highly effective.

As a distribution partner, we offer high-quality products from LALIZAS at competitive prices. We have listed the essential product categories here.

Also of high quality: the safety and rescue products from MARINE POOL.

Our strong international partner in regards to complete fire-extinguishing systems, no matter what size.

Cutting-edge testing and calibration facilities. Working on electrical instruments, and control systems for the marine industries.